Rebecca has been very intrigued by how a person may seem well and healthy, but inside their bodies there is a completely different story. Leukaemia, fibromyalgia and arthritis are all relevant to Rebecca's family history. With leukaemia people have no idea that they have this serious illness until it is well establish, and even then the person can look well to other people. Fibromyalgia is a collection of symptoms that until recently have not been recognise as a real, chronic illness. The individual can complain of discomfort and pain in many parts of the body, but all tests will come back negative. Lastly, arthritis causes the person pain after the damage has been cause, and the patient is unaware of how fragile their bone structure has become. On medication the person may achieve a level of agility again masking the effect of the bone damage.
(A3 Drypoint print)
(A3 Drypoint print)
(A3 Drypoint print)
Rebecca wanted to create beautiful, abstract ideas of the illnesses. It is only when one looks closely it becomes apparent that there is something unhealthily about the subject matter.